Allegheny Community Broadband (ACB) was formed as a public private partnership to deliver broadband and broadband services to unserved and under served homes and businesses in Northwest Pennsylvania. Bringing Public entities together with private providers to deliver the highest quality services at the lowest possible prices. 

What is ACB?

Allegheny Community Broadband is a not for profit corporation initially created between Pleasant Township and Youngsville Television Corporation, dba Blue Fiber. Blue Fiber is a cooperative not for profit television and internet provider. The public private partnership (P3), ACB, has been successful in raising over two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) specifically earmarked to construct twenty five (25) plus miles of fiber network in Pleasant Township.

The current project is intended to provide services to 430 unserved business and residences within the area shown above. First customer connections are anticipated to occur in June of 2025.